Update this library Central Library of the National Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology

Library contact details

Opening Hours:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
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Library information


INETI's Central Library, located at CITI, manages the Institute's library network, which includes 12 departmental libraries that hold a documental base composed by reference work collections, books and science and technology, social and human sciences journals, totalising about 20.000 monographs and 400 titles of periodical publications. This Library also manages the INETIBASE - the INETI's documental fund bibliographical database, daily updated. INETI's documental fund can be borrowed, except periodical publications and reference works, by all internal holders of a reader's card at the Central Library's reading room. The reader's card can be requested at the Library. External users can consult the documents in any of INETI's departmental libraries. Access to online services and to Internet are also available.

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